Now you can read Holy Paritta anytime and anywhere with this app.
Most of the content of this application includes the contents of "Paritta Suci: Update IV Edition" book issued by Sangha Theravada Indonesia in 2021, "Paritta Suci" book issued by Yayasan Dhammadipa Arama in 1986, and some texts outside the Indonesian version of the Paritta book. Those texts translated by a Pali scholar, Ven. Bhikkhu Medhacitto graduated from Kelaniya University, Sri Lanka.
1. Additional texts such as the Kāladānasutta Gāthā, Jinapañjara, Mittānisaṁsa Sutta, etc.
2. Audio how to read some Paritta texts. Source from YM. Mahā Dhammadhīro Mahāthera.
3. Favorite feature to save specific texts.
4. Night mode, change the font size
May you benefit from this application. Sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitatta. May all beings, living happily